tkinter tkinter Root and Widget Sub-Classing (That works!) In this guide we go over how to properly overload tkinter root and widget classes via 'side-loading' Tkinter has proven to be problematic and class examples are scarce on the internet.
subnet Python Sub-net Calculator Example In this article we produce a simple algorithm for calculating sub-net ranges for any ip / subnet set!
nginx Nginx Docker Logging Setup via Container Volume Sharing In this guide we go over sharing the internal logs of a nginx-reverse proxy with another container that can do the IP decoding and look-ups making nice usage logs.
hacker HoneyPot Fun. Trapping Wordpress Scanners. We start our planning to trap Wordpress scanners (hackers) and feed them bogus and poisonous but giant fake xml files.
docker Saturday Night Dreams. Building a hyper-simple httpd Docker Server in Pycharm Professional In this hyper-quick guide we go over building an entire Python Server / html page inside a docker standalone in 3 short files!
domain Domain Wars. Fighting back against Big Daddy Domain Registration Creepers. In this article we show how to prevent domain fraud, domain hi-jacking, domain renewal gouging, and present a script that will scan for you for unused domains.
flask Python Flask Primer In the Pycharm Professional Environment. We go over Flask, Pycharm Professional, setting up and handling of cookies and sessions in this primer.
certbot Setting up SSL for a Python Server with CertBot. In this article we go over setting up SSL for a Python request server, then adding it to a NGINX reverse-proxy!
python3.13 Python 3.13 Dockerfile building and testing. In this roll-your-own article we go over setting up our own python container that has rich support for specialized python applications.
qt Qt - Python Quick Reference In this article we build a quick reference for much of the Qt Framework!
mysqli PHP/Mysql Connector TroubleShooting And Setup In this quick review tutorial we go over establishing a back-end access to a mysql server.
phpstorm PHPStorm TroubleShooting Guide In this guide we go over PhpStorm step debugging a two part php file.
Docker Cookbook Recipes: nginx Reverse SSL proxies are incredibly complex things because not only must they route packets in reverse - they must also handle and remember multiple SSL sessions for each one. Incredibly this author did an amazing job of it - and made it so simple 'a monkey could set this up!
Dockerfile Cookbook Recipes Attempt 2: moodle (Success!) We get a functioning working moodle running inside a Docker Container that we build from near scratch!
moodle Dockerfile Cookbook Recipes Attempt 1: moodle (failure) In this guide we go over the first attempt at rolling your own moodle container.
Apache Superset Dockerfile Cookbook Recipes Part 03: apache / php The goal is to always make these guides very simple - but to build from there, and to always try to include debugging information. Prerequisites: If you need a quick startup script for installing docker / docker-ce: 0x0002 - New VM Docker / Docker-Compose Quick StartNew VM Docker / Docker-Compose Quick StartTechnical Blogthinkmeltapache
docker Dockerfile Cookbook Recipes Part 02: mysql In this basic example we take a good strong look at building and rolling your own mysql containers with various options and a good guide on how it all works!
rpi-2040 Rpi-2040 Getting Accurate Timers and SYS_TICK In this quick guide we go over getting the Raspberry pi Pico as accurate as we can by accessing its own SYS_TICK timer..
clion Clion Raspberry Pi-Pico REPL Walk-through over USB - Then Use it to Control a Variable Frequency PWM Square-Wave Oscillator Generator! In this guide we write a command controllable square-wave generator capable of controlled accurate PWM to 400KHz!
cups ParrotSec Setting Up CUPS Network Printing In this simple quick guide we go over setting up a CUPS system service then adding a local network printer.
clion step-debugging Simulating Hardware Interrupts for Clion Step-Debugging for the Raspberry-Pi Pico In this quick short tutorial we go over artificially clocking your chip to continue to enable step-debugging.
Harmonics Arm Products Walk-through For Setting Up ILabs Lora Rpi2040 Board w/Clion IDE In this guide we fuddle through a ILabs Clion setup for their Lora 868 Mhz Long Range board and point out some of the hurdles and improvements that would help!