Dockerfile Cookbook Recipes Attempt 1: moodle (failure)

In this guide we go over the first attempt at rolling your own moodle container.

Dockerfile Cookbook Recipes Attempt 1: moodle (failure)
  • Moodle is considered the defacto educational test taking / building system.

We will attempt the most basic build and from that look at security basics.

Step 1: Make a moodle install point

  • Make a directory /moodle
  • Inside it we will build a moodle source point.
mkdir moodle
cd moodle
git clone
chown -R www-data:root moodle

Step 2: Running a moodle instance (diagnostic testing)

  • Is built off of calling a php image and giving it a -v point that matches where moodle is installed, thus:
docker run -it -v /moodle/moodle:/var/www/html -p 8080:80 --name moodle php:apache

It will show up as:

http://<external ip>:8080/install.php

A basic install serial:

The installer is pretty comprehensive (and forgiving) it will guide you if you need to change a permission.

  • Moodle is used to having it's own server, but we have containerized it using the -v option to map its directory to the moodle directory

To fix this we need to get into the running container itself

chown -R www-data:root www

It supports the following drivers:

  • We can see at this point we need to go back and build a modified Dockerfile - which has the PDO / database objects as it was not native to the container.
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