NASDAQ Still on Teletype? Say it ain't so!

So if you need a lot of symbol ticker data ironically NASDAQ still runs a FTP server!
Conveniently for your benefit here is a linux bash script that will pull common symbols automatically!
# You might need to old-school install the ftp client on your linux VM.
sudo apt install ftp -y
ftp <<End-of-Session
user anonymous ""
cd symboldirectory
get bondslist.txt
get mfundslist.txt
get nasdaqlisted.txt
get nasdaqtraded.txt
get otherlisted.txt
get psxtraded.txt
Going over the file structures:
mfundslist.txt has the following pretty self-evident structure:
Fund Symbol|Fund Name|Fund Family Name|Type|Category|Pricing Agent
nasdaqtraded.txt has the following structure:
Nasdaq Traded|Symbol|Security Name|Listing Exchange|Market Category|ETF|Round Lot Size|Test Issue|Financial Status|CQS Symbol|NASDAQ Symbol|NextShares
Y|A|Agilent Technologies, Inc. Common Stock|N| |N|100|N||A|A|N
Y|AA|Alcoa Corporation Common Stock |N| |N|100|N||AA|AA|N
Y|AAA|Investment Managers Series Trust II AXS First Priority CLO Bond ETF|P| |Y|100|N||AAA|AAA|N
otherlisted.txt has the following structure:
Nasdaq Traded|Symbol|Security Name|Listing Exchange|Market Category|ETF|Round Lot Size|Test Issue|Financial Status|CQS Symbol|NASDAQ Symbol|NextShares
Y|A|Agilent Technologies, Inc. Common Stock|N| |N|100|N||A|A|N
Y|AA|Alcoa Corporation Common Stock |N| |N|100|N||AA|AA|N
Y|AAA|Investment Managers Series Trust II AXS First Priority CLO Bond ETF|P| |Y|100|N||AAA|AAA|N
Coming shortly: Added python processing code to process these into pickle files!