Satellite Bulk Tracker

This 'bulk tracker' will handle the entire TLE catalog from Find the pass by timings for 1000's of satellites over your area!

Satellite Bulk Tracker
Photo Credit Donald Ginatti

If you have the TLE catalog from this application will build track by-pass times for the lot of time!

from sgp4.api import Satrec
from orbit_predictor.utils import datetime_from_jday
from orbit_predictor.locations import Location
from orbit_predictor.sources import get_predictor_from_tle_lines
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pandas as pd

class Sat_Tracker:

    def __init__(self):

        self.base_lat = 0
        self.base_long = 0
        self.elevation = 3000
        self.max_elevation = 5  # Filter passes with elevations under this many degrees.
        self.pass_elevation = 60  # Start pass time must be greater than this.
        self.tle_catalog = {}
        self.tle_catalog_count = 0
        self.location = Location('base_station', self.base_lat, self.base_long, self.elevation)
        self.rtl_min_freq = 50.0
        self.rlt_max_freq = 1500.0

    def load_tle_ascii(self, tfile, filter):
        name = ''
        with open(tfile, 'r') as g:
            data ='\n')
        csat = 0
        for line in data:
                if line[0] == '0':
                    name = line[2:]
                if line[0] == '1':
                    tle_a = line
                if line[0] == '2':
                    if filter not in name:
                        tle_b = line
                        predictor = get_predictor_from_tle_lines((tle_a, tle_b))
                        # None will hold predict times.
                        self.tle_catalog[name] = [tle_a, tle_b, predictor, None]
                        csat += 1
            except Exception as e:
        print(f"Satellite TLE Data for {csat} Raw Loaded.")

    def update_predict_times(self):
        satellite_list = self.tle_catalog.keys()
        rnow =
        one_day_from_now = rnow + timedelta(days=1)
        skip_list = 0
        for satellite in satellite_list:
                sat_module = self.tle_catalog[satellite]
                predictor = sat_module[2]  # Re-obtain the predictor code
                max_elevation_gt: filter passes with max_elevation under it.
                aos_at_dg: This is if we want to start the pass at a specific elevation.
                next_pass_0 = predictor.get_next_pass(self.location, max_elevation_gt=self.max_elevation, aos_at_dg=self.pass_elevation, limit_date=one_day_from_now)
                sat_module[3] = next_pass_0
                self.tle_catalog[satellite] = sat_module
                print(f"Next pass for satellite {satellite} is {next_pass_0.aos} for a duration of {next_pass_0.duration_s}")
            except Exception as e:
                skip_list += 1

        print(f"{skip_list} Satellites do not have a orbital path in your parameters")

    def run_predictors(self, orbital_track):
            tle_line_0 = orbital_track[0]
            tle_line_1 = orbital_track[1]
            sgp4_sat = Satrec.twoline2rv(tle_line_0, tle_line_1)
            stuple = {tle_line_0, tle_line_1}
            db = [sgp4_sat.satnum, tuple(stuple), datetime_from_jday(sgp4_sat.jdsatepoch, sgp4_sat.jdsatepochF)]
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error as: {e}")

st = Sat_Tracker()
st.load_tle_ascii('full_catalog.txt', 'STARLINK')
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